Episode 10



July 9th, 2020

1 hr 43 mins 28 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Processes. How do you keep up all of the things you need to do and maintain in your life? The system we use conscious or not, has elements of efficiency or not. As we age and see elements of our life systems, we edit or add on to proceed. When you notice 'there is this thing I always do manually, but it has automaticity', why not add the auto feature? Eddie and Darren talk about everyday life and travel and how systems and processes have worked and not. Schedules feel like work for some. Even managing your free time is a system. If you feel like your time is not managed well often, why not look at how you do it and make a change. Darren has a sense of accomplisment that makes or breaks his days, whether work or free time. Eddie definitely has systems, but may not want a schedule for his leisure time. In an elevated view of life, time is the currency we all have. No one knows how much of that we will given. One thing that is similar among people with a long life, they often comment in the end of their lives about how they spent their time.